
Ever since this little boy was born, I've absolutely fallen in love with him! I call him MY OWN & love him like he's my own! I can't believe he is three years old! It doesn't even feel like it's been three years!
He's growing up WAY too fast. I love him with all of my heart & more! ♥


 Our wedding was amazing! My family & Nick's family all pulled together tremendously & gave Nick & I our DREAM wedding. I don't know if I could've imagined it any more beautiful. Our pro photographer, whoever she may be, is like the most amazing photographer on the Earth. :)

 First time being presented as MR. & MRS. Nick Tanner! Happiest moment of my life!!

".....you may kiss the bride....."


Mr. & Mrs.

The day has come for us to finally say that we are MARRiED! Nick & Hailee Tanner are starting their own little family in Richfield & cannot wait for what life will bring them & their newly wedded life. (:
I get so tickled to say that my name is officially Hailee Jane Tanner. I'm honored & so happy! I constantly stare at our rings & I honestly.. cannot stop.



My sweet mommy finished one of my quilts today for my wedding! CHEETAH PRiNT!! I'm in love. (:


& so it begins... ♥

 Nicholas & Hailee Tanner

For many long years, I had dreamed of what my wedding day would be like & if I would ever find my Prince. It's thrilling & sometimes very insane at how that time has come for me! I have found my Knight in Shining Armor & my wedding day is set for Oct. 11th, 2012. That day will be the best day of my life.
I'm pretty darn lucky to have found someone that cares so much for me & wants what's good for me. His desire for me to succeed & for my dreams to come true is mind blowing & I often catch myself wondering how in the world I became so blessed to have one of my BiGGEST dreams come true in only a week!!
I'm so in love with how I am with him & how he treats me. I will NEVER feel alone again.