
Christmas 2013

 Merry Christmas!
 Lyndee took our Christmas/couple pictures this year & we absolutely love them as always!
 We've had a rough year. Nick now works for Pepsi & I still work at a coffee shop in our hometown.
 We're recovering emotionally & physically from our second miscarriage this year {first one was in March of this year} & we just hope that one day it'll be our time!

 We hope everyone has a great Christmas & a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
 New goals are always a good thing to have in life. My new goal is actually fulfill my New Year's new goal! (:
May the spirit be in your home this year! GOD BLESS!


Just Because.

Finally got to capture a recent photo of Mr. & Mrs.
Having lunch together is something that I try to do often so that we can catch up with each other & see how we are doing in life & with work. 
Nicholas landed an amazing job with Pepsi this past week & he is so nervous but so stoked to be working there!
I hope this job brings good things to our near future. SO happy that he finally is now employed & hope that he does well with it & that this job with STICK AROUND for a long time.
So proud of you, Neiko. Love you.


 This year, Jaxon was Iron Man! I had so much fun Trick or Treating with this handsome little boy! I didn't know what to be this year so I just bought myself a new sweater to be festive & dressed up as myself. When you get older, you really don't know what to do or how to act, really, about big holidays like this anymore.
Me, Jaxon & Taneesha the Hunter!
Love these two to DEATH!


One Year Down, {ETERNiTY} To Go. ♥

 Nick & Hailee celebrated their FiRST YEAR ANNiVERSARY on October 11, 2013! We cannot believe how FAST the time has gone. So weird to think that I married my best friend a year ago. We cut the top part of our cake that my mommy saved & froze for us to eat on our 1st wedding anniversary! It still tasted DELiCiOUS!
 Starting a new Tanner tradition! Holding one of our engagement/sign in sheet from our wedding night:)) Love this man more than anything.
"I will stand by you for now & forever. The road of our journey is a long one, & I wouldn't wanna spend it with anyone else."
Thank you for choosing me, babe. Love you FOREVER!


Homecoming 2013

Absolutely CANNOT believe my little sister not only went to her homecoming last night but is A SENIOR & will be graduating this year. Time is literally flying in front of my face & I can't seem to find the time to try to make it stop.
This is going by WAY too fast.
Loved her dress & she looked beautiful! Her date treated her like gold & that's all that I care about(:


"I'm Ok"

I'm singing, again! Love singing. I'm singing "I'm Ok" by Christina Aguilera. My 1st EVER voice video. Please, take it easy on me(: ♥



Today we helped Nick's maternal grandmother, Ann, & his little sister, Natasha {natalie's daughter} with their yard sale! It was awesome to hang out with Tashii & have fun together. I'm amazed at how much that little girl ADORES her big brother & loves him with unconditional, unfailing affection. Nick is her idol & I love seeing her so excited whenever we visit or see her around town. Bless this little girl. She's made so many friends & is such a good girl & a good example to her friends & also to others. She's strong & despite what she's been through, she never stops smiling!! Love her.


I have become more & more in love with the pictures we take together simply because it means that it is OURS. This love is OURS.

You always make me laugh no matter what mood I'm in. You give me the feeling of a thousand butterflies dancing in my tummy. I don't know what I'd do without the humor that fuels me.

The softness of your loving embrace melts my heart to the point where I begin to notice the numbness of my knees. You just amaze me.

The feeling of you always protecting me against anyone, against ANYTHING gives me the comfort I need to get through the day. Knowing you have my back & I have yours is something I would NEVER want to replace.

I love you with every part of me, everything I am & everything I will become. You are the better part of me. I'm so glad you walked into my life. I love you, so much. Nothing Crushes Us. ♥


Almost been a yr.

It's hard to believe that in just 2 month's time we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary together as husband & wife. I honestly never thought that time would go so quickly. They're not kidding when they say that time FLIES!
Before you know it we'll have our own little family & we will be 50 yrs old. Time needs to SLOW DOWN!


Mr. & Mrs. Nick Tanner ♥

This year was our 1st family reunion being a married couple! I can honestly say that I did feel different there being a married woman instead of just being a girl with a boyfriend. 

I wouldn't have it any other way! ♥


1st Pedi

As you all know already, I am a new member of the "Addicted To Shellac" club. But, I even got my toes done to match my pretty fingers! This was, however, my FIRST EVER pedicure that I've ever had. What better way to get my first pedicure with cheetah print?! My life, has been made!



My new addiction. Loving my new shellac nails! I'm thinking about going with this for thee rest of time! Loving the cheetah since I'm obviously obsessed with cheetah print! :)


I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else

I just fall in love all over again whenever I see an amazing sight like I did this evening driving home from work. I love the fact that I am so close to the mountains. My house is literally right up against them. I love seeing such a beautiful sight & it makes me so grateful that I live in a gorgeous country & have my own little "peace" place without all the hectic chaos that resides in the city. This picture I capture absolutely shocked me. I was pretty proud of myself & my photography skills! ; )


Our 1st "Home"

I was thinking about posting something about our first little "home" that we had together as a married couple. It wasn't the best but then again, when you're starting out, when is anything the best? Gotta start from the bottom to get to the top!

This was our little kitchen area. I was not too crazy about the green but I didn't really have any much of a choice. I took everything as it came & just went with the flow! I loved the black cabinets, though!

This was our living room. I loved the BIG window that it had right in the front of the room. It sure let in light, which was my favorite part. The little coffee table was already in the apt when we moved in, so we used it as our own! 

One thing that Nick & I loved about our apt was that it looked very vintage with the door framing and the handles, too. We loved the black finish to it. That was the main thing that grabbed our hearts when we came to look at it.

Our little halway was just enough for 2 people to live in! This was looking into our room from the kitchen.

We did not have a shower head, so for 7 months, we took baths! It was not very easy considering the fact that Nick & I are shower lovers, but a nice hot bath would do its justice after we got home from work.

One little detail in the apt was this cute little cubby thing that was built into our halway wall. It was just so cute!

We will always remember this halway lamp that we left on all night as our little night light for those midnight bathroom visits! :)

Our bedroom was not too small for just a little apt. As I said before, it was actually a PERFECT size for 3 people! We honestly loved this apt seperate from all the landlord issues we had.

We had a big window cubby.

Our closet was in the corner of our room and it was only big enough to fit our shoes in! This place looked ALOT bigger without all our stuff in it, but every place usually does!

I'll never forget our first home. I will miss it in a way but I'm excited to see the next home we will make for our little family!!
Tonight was movie night with my sissy! We went to see "Grown Ups 2" & had a blasty blast! (:
Love having my little sister around to do fun things with! {Nick didn't want to take a picture} Lol.


Nine Months Today!

Today marks the 9 month mark of being a {married} couple! Since we lived together for about 2 years prior to our wedding day, not a lot of things are different then what we were used to before we were married. I thought that the only thing that would be different is my last name & seeing us wear a ring on our left hand, but I was very wrong. Our relationship is completely different as a married couple than just being boyfriend/girlfriend.
I {thought} I knew how important it was to be true in a relationship when you're just dating but when you're married, it's a whole 'nother ball game, yet I wouldn't change it for the world.
This relationship/marriage has taught me a lot of things & is still teaching me things when it comes to putting another person in front of yourself & loving them {more} than anyone or anything.
Best, craziest, happiest, most confusing, & beautiful 9 months of my life. I love you!


Absolutely LOVE asphalt pie from Winger's! (:
Loved having a sister lunch day with Mariah & Brenna. I enjoyed myself & so did my belly! (;