Today marks the 9 month mark of being a {married} couple! Since we lived together for about 2 years prior to our wedding day, not a lot of things are different then what we were used to before we were married. I thought that the only thing that would be different is my last name & seeing us wear a ring on our left hand, but I was very wrong. Our relationship is completely different as a married couple than just being boyfriend/girlfriend.
I {thought} I knew how important it was to be true in a relationship when you're just dating but when you're married, it's a whole 'nother ball game, yet I wouldn't change it for the world.
This relationship/marriage has taught me a lot of things & is still teaching me things when it comes to putting another person in front of yourself & loving them {more} than anyone or anything.
Best, craziest, happiest, most confusing, & beautiful 9 months of my life. I love you!
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